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I can make decisions for myself. I decided what clothes I wear in the morning. I decide what I like to eat for dinner. I decide how to spend my free time. I decide what movie to watch or what music to play. I decide what to book to read and when. So making decisions for myself seems to be something fairly easy to me. The difficulty comes in, if I need to decide something for me and another person, a friend or partner. My empathy is right in the way of it very often. I will always choose something that I think the other person would want. For example I would choose the restaurant that I know they like, or the movie that they would enjoy most. Of course, in any kind of relationships it is about compromising and sometimes also doing the things that you know your friend would like most. Even if that means, that this is not what you would choose if you were alone. And something else came to my mind too. I fairly often find myself only assuming that this is what the other person would...