My awakening

During the past month I often felt numb and sad. Not sad because of a depression or something but more because people around me did or said things that were hurtful and I did not felt as appreciated as I think I deserve. And let's be honest, words CAN hurt, right? Especially if they come from people you love.

You all know that dealing with this sort of emotions is very energy draining and I knew I needed to do something about it. I had started a more spiritual journey already in the past but never really stuck to it due to different circumstances. Now it was time again to waken up my spirits and let them work for me instead of me keep on working for others. Not that this is a bad thing, not at all. But as an Empath I tend to do more for other people than for myself. This mostly gives me great pleasure and I get a lot of energy from it. But in the past weeks I think I overdid it a little. Because this works only if you get something back of course. For now I need to focus on me first and see where this leads me.

I took the opportunity to drive to the beach this week to breath some of this salty sea air that always seems to work for me if my mind is clouded. I had some fantastic long walks on the windy, fall beach that cleared my minds worries and energized me. I've got a lot of ideas and thing that I want to do for myself withing the next weeks and if I only stick to half of them I should feel improvement not only in myself.

I am going to start with cleaning my Crystals and learning more about them and use them in my little rituals more. First ritual is going to be a frequent meditation and writing down my experiences during the meditative state of mind. I know that writing has always helped me getting things off my chest so I thought this would be a great combination to start with.

And again I remembered: Everything will be OK at the end, and if it's not OK, it's not the end.
Everything will be OK.......


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