I am

I am strong
I am beautiful
I am smart
I am cheerful 
I am happy
I am caring
I am loving
I am sexy
I am childish
I am mature
I am a great friend
I am emotional
I am a Photographer
I am sweet
I am helpful
I am weak
I am curious
I am loyal
I am shining
I am sad
I am sparkling
I am spontanious
I am friendly
I am thorough
I am funny
I am likable
I am creative
I am a lover
I am passionate
I am thankful
I am trusting
I am hopefull

Sometimes, I try to please certain people so much that I forget who I am. I loose myself on the way of pleasing others. It happens all too easy. But finding myself back is a great adventure and seeing who I am, seeing myself with all my edges, flaws and sparkles makes me so very happy and thankful. Thankful for being able to walk this path, be on this journey and just grateful for lovely souls around me.

I think sometimes we just have to embrace ourselves and find out who we really are in order to cope with our surroundings. Who are we kidding, life is not always easy, fun and cheerful. But we can take each day by his hand and make the best out of it. And on the difficult days, we can choose to let someone else grab our hand and show us the way. 

Every now and then, strangers or people who don't know us very well just make a loose comment, pointing out a great skill or a nice property that we have. That happened to me yesterday and I was totally unaware of the fact that, yes! I am thorough.  That made me think again, who am I, what describes me best. In only a few minutes I came up the with huge list above. Everything written there describes me in the most wonderful way. If you get confronted with attributes that are not nice or that are seemingly missing on you, from people that you love, over a long period of time, you tend to believe them. 

I decided to not believe the negative people anymore. I want to concentrate on the positive, since this aligns more with who I am. You don't like me the way I am? Your loss, I am perfect. Perfect for me anyway.



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